Thursday, November 10, 2011

Welcome to my World

I live a bit of an unusual life. I fly a corporate jet for a living, which is a lifestyle little understood by those who haven't done it. I get to see the world from a very unique perspective, both from the air, as a pilot, and from the ground, as a professional tourist. I've been to all 50 states, and a good share of Canada. Been down to Mexico. We get to a lot of the same locations, so much so that I sometimes take a picture, look at it, and realize I've already taken the same picture before. And then we sometimes go to obscure places that are unique, and very few get to see. There will also be a log of regional food. And I love to travel, but...
I hate to leave home. I have a great family. We recently moved into a home that we built, and it has numerous projects to go. Our three kids keep us very busy at home, as well as all the other things that are important, such as civic and church duties. But mainly, I like to play. I was recently eliminated from my first big Ping Pong tournament. I play basketball three times a week.  I'm checking my twitter every 10 minutes to see if the NBA lockout may be over. Chances are, if you run into me at Costco, I'll be wearing a Celtics uniform. I'm a better than average disc golfer.And I'm into gadgets.

So the purpose of this blog then is not really one thing, but a way for me to share with others the journey I go through in life. If you find it interesting, great. I hope so. If not, at the very least, my kids can find out where I am when I leave for days at a time. Gotta go. The Office is coming on.

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